Building a more equitable future,
one young leader at a time.

We deliver programs and opportunities that prepare the next generation of leaders to amplify their voices in decision-making spaces.

Since 2009, Fora (formerly G(irls)20), has been investing in young changemakers experiencing gender-based discrimination, and creating more inclusive and equitable decision-making spaces. Through renowned leadership, advocacy, and community-building programs, we help young trailblazers gain new skills, confidence, supportive networks, and opportunities to build gender equity movements, advance in their career trajectories and change the status quo.  

These young leaders aren’t waiting on the sidelines for their moment to make their impact on the world — they are already making change. We’re here to help them do it.  

A brown person with short hair and a grey blazer speaks into a mic on a panel with three other women.
A large group photo of 25 youth posed in staggered height levels with a black and white Fora backdrop.
  • Fora's Rise on Boards program is building more equitable and inclusive boardrooms across Canada. By training and placing emerging leaders from diverse backgrounds at the board table for the first time, Rise on Boards is reimagining decision-making spaces.

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  • As Fora's flagship program, the Global Summit brings together accomplished leaders from around the world to level-up their leadership, community-building, policy engagement, and advocacy skills. Through this program, we support young change-makers in advocating for social justice at local and global levels.

    With generous support from Virgin Unite, we’ve recently launched the Global Leadership Impact Fund– a micro granting program for Global Summit Alumni to scale up and further invest in their social impact initiatives.

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  • We want to ensure all spaces of power feel incomplete without young women and everyone marginalized by their gender, in the room. Through research, workshops, and connecting young leaders with opportunities to make their voices heard, Fora addresses the root causes of gender inequity and reimagines who leadership is for.

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Our Programs

Our programs help young women and gender-marginalized youth advance their career and leadership trajectories.

A woman in a pink sweater and a multi-colored ribbon skirt speaks into the mic on a panel with three other women.
A group photo of 12 youth in black Fora sweaters taking a selfie.

Free Resources

We offer a variety of tools and guides that help develop your boardroom’s capacity, support your leadership journey at every stage, and offer practical steps to engage young professionals.

A report cover with the text, "A Blueprint for High-Impact Leadership in 2025. Shaping the future of leadership in Canada," with an image of Fora's CEO, Emma Asiedu-Akrofi, a Black woman wearing a bright yellow sweater and a blue beaded necklace.

Empathy is the new competitive edge–
become an inclusive leader in 2025!

A report cover with the text, "Transfom the Culture of your Board Room: Understanding microaggressions and what to do about them." The image is of a woman with brown hair and a white dress standing at her desk with a microphone in her hands.

Learn to navigate and address
microaggressions in your boardroom.

A report cover with the title "From being the only woman in the room to owning it. A Guide to Balancing Authority and Approachability in the Corporate World." The cover has an image of a brown woman with long, dark hair seated at a desk holding a pen

A comprehensive guide to taking a
balanced approach to leadership.

Since 2010, we’ve had a big impact.

140+ Partnering boards across Canada for our Rise on Boards program
235 Young Directors trained through Rise on Boards
313 Global Summit delegates
2000 plus young leaders trained
13 Global Summits hosted
200,000 plus engaged community members and change-makers
116 coaches involved in mentorship
60 country with community ambassadors.

Get Involved

As part of the Fora community, there are so many different ways to get involved.

Read Our Work

With support from various members our impact-driven community, we’ve produced some powerful reports and other resources.

The cover of a report that says "Young Feminist Economy Report 2024". The cover image is of a young brown-skinned person with a bright red and blue scarf wrapped around their hair, smiling off to the side.

“A young feminist economy ultimately places young leaders facing discrimination on the basis of their gender not as an appendix or footnote, but the
heart of its analysis and policy planning.”

A cover image with the text "TOOLKIT: Ensuring a Young Feminist Economy." A person with long, dark hair and holding a bright orange coffee mug smiles off to the side.

“The first step towards hacking the system and providing young leaders an equitable chance at
social and economic prosperity is to question the injustice faced by young women and everyone
else marginalized by their gender.”

A purple and white report cover with the title, "Summit of the Future: A Young Feminist Analysis." Purple text on a white background with a purple globe filling the bottom half of the cover.

“Our recommendations focus on critical
environmental, social, and economic themes,
including climate justice, youth engagement in policymaking, and reforming debt architecture.”


In recent years, we have seen a seismic shift in calls for justice around the world, with our community rightly demanding more from the gender equity movement. In 2020, our program participants, partners, staff, board, and broader community helped inform our new strategy: one that’s participant-informed and uses an intersectional lens that especially centers the experiences of Black, Indigenous, and racialized community members, the diversity of genders, and the lived experiences of youth around the world. 

What emerged was a natural shift in the presentation of our organization, and G(irls)20 evolved to Fora.

Fora is the plural of forum and is defined as a meeting place of ideas. This is the space we try to create as we continue to work with young leaders and established institutions to advocate for gender equity.  

Support young leaders in making a big impact on our world. 

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