Donate Now

Help launch the career and leadership trajectories

of youth navigating gender-based discrimination.


A gift of $25 can help a young leader access a critical decision-making space, from a Board of Directors to the halls of government.  


A gift of $50 can help more young leaders in rural/remote communities learn about Fora’s programming.  


A gift of $100 can help a young leader access an expert workshop to learn critical leadership and advocacy skills. 


A gift of $500 can help a young leader develop a social impact initiative, working to address challenges in their community .

A black woman, wearing a red power blazer.
An Image of an East-Asian person, with long black hair, smiling at the camera.
An image of a white person, with slicked back hair, smiling into the camera.

Be the spark that sets off lasting change.


A light-skinned Indigenous woman, wearing a  yellow necklace, smiling at the camera.
An image of a Black young director, wearing a pink hijab.
A South Asian person, with long black hair and a soft pink blazer.